
Fertility Visualisation

Original price was: £69.99.Current price is: £14.99.

Scientists can finally show us the measurable impact that visualization has on our bodies.

It’s effectiveness in healing our bodies has now been well document.

This fertility visualization has a profound effect on the healing of your reproductive organs and other physical problems connected to your infertility (if there are any). It uses a meditative state, cognitive hypnotherapy, NLP and the creative part of your brain to build your motivation, activate your subconscious mind and healing.

Your subconscious will be programmed to bring your attention to future healing and future positive results. And why is it so important?

Because Each month that we fail to get pregnant we get more stuck in this cycle where instead of supporting our fertility, we decrease our fertility due to our mental and emotional state. This painful state is often caused by not being able to get pregnant and it is understandable that we feel this way. I personally went through infertility and it was the most debilitating journey that brought up a lot of envy, jealousy and frustration in me. In return, my body was falling apart.

Visualisation uses your brain to create the reality that you want. That means that you are in charge of what you are thinking, feeling and believing which then has direct effect on your mental, emotional and physical health.

If you can visualise being pregnant you are more likely to get pregnant. If you can visualize that your body is healed and fertile you are more likely to heal and conceive. If you can visualize that you are peaceful, your body is more likely to achieve that mind and body balance that’s so necessary for increasing your fertility. And finally, you activate the law of attraction which helps the universe to re-arrange itself and bring you what you want.