Energy Healing has been one of the most effective ways that I’ve been able to help my clients with their fertility. Whether it has been their state of mind, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, or bringing their periods back and balancing their hormones, it has been a treasure in my fertility toolbox.
How can Energy Healing Help with Fertility
Energy healing can have positive impact on your health, behaviour, thought patterns, emotions and energy. This may represent itself as a sudden aha moment, emotions being brought up to surface that may feel overwhelming and sometimes too much, feelings of slight confusion but realising something has shifted within you on a certain level, your physical pain may stop, you may feel energizes, joyful, peaceful or very tired sometimes. It can be a beginning of your new path in life, leaving something old behind whether it is a pattern, behaviour or a relationship that no longer serves you and stops you from moving forward or healing your body. It is good to remember to allow yourself to take a moment after the healing and incorporate other tools that will help you mentally and emotionally.
I initiate breaking the cycles of worldwide conditioning and cycles that no longer serve us.
We allow resolutions to show up in each of our lives differently and we continue to help others as we heal ourselves.
Energy Healing Group
If this resonates with you welcome and consider joining me in my energy healing group for women here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/815277286183342/
Free Mind Quietening Meditation: https://martinapangrazzi.co.uk/meditation-to-switch-off-the-mind-free/
Free E-Book: https://martinapangrazzi.co.uk/teach-your-body-how-to-get-pregnant/

Love and Healing
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