Hi, welcome!


Life can be so difficult and challenging. If we keep making small steps forward in an effective and organized way, we are more likely to get to our destination much quicker and easier that we ever thought was possible.

Many of my clients report to me that I’m their last resort, often feeling let down and skeptical about getting better. I can genuinely relate to this and understand how hard it is to find someone that helps you improve.

Therefore, I offer a free consultation where you can share your difficulties in strict confidentiality. Then we can together decide, whether we are the right fit for each other.

Please don’t give up. If you’re not ready to sign up for some sessions with me, that’s OK, too. I have free meditations and videos on my website that can perhaps help you in meanwhile.


If you need help with anxiety, fears, stress, depression, fertility difficulties or pain management, I have a private practice in South-West UK and work remotely with people from all over the world.  

I offer private sessions, downloadable meditations, audios and books. Please feel free to browse through my FREE RESOURCES page, or contact me through Contact Page for further enquiries.


You can download my Free Stress & Anxiety Relief Meditation that will settle you in just 15 minutes and/or if you would like to book a session with me, please get in touch via the Contact form and I will then offer you some slots that I have available. 

You can download my Free Fertility E-Book that shows you how you can maximize your chances of pregnancy, while trying to conceive naturally or using assisted conception.

I believe that nothing can beat the insight of my personal and professional experience of 12 years, however, here are my formal qualifications. 

I’m a Master Cognitive Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Coach (HPD, DipCHyp, NLP Prac.) and a certified Energy Healer. I’m proud of having been trained by the founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Trevor Silvester at the internationally recognized Quest Institute at Regents University in London.

This accredited and rigorous training programme draws its teachings from Evolutionary Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy and create the framework for the most effective therapy for anxiety and other issues. 


Success Stories:


Rory 28 - Before my experience with Martina I let me anxieties and low stages control my life and it was very hard to get out of these difficult times. After a couple of sessions I have a completely different outlook

Before my experience with Martina I let me anxieties and low stages control my life and it was very hard to get out of these difficult times. After a couple of sessions I have a completely different outlook on everything and realise how and what I can do to help myself in these situations if and when they happen again. Can’t thank her enough.

Rory 28

Kate 29 - I don’t know why I haven’t tried looking after myself in a different way other than taking pills and injections. You need to stop wasting your money on more ovulation tests and learn about Martina’s teachings and fertility.

I don’t know why I haven’t tried looking after myself in a different way other than taking pills and injections. You need to stop wasting your money on more ovulation tests and learn about Martina’s teachings and fertility. I was trying to get pregnant for 6 years and run out of money. I found Martinas article from 2012 that got my attention and I’ve been following her advice for about 3 months after. I got pregnant with a healthy baby boy after this horrendous journey and nobody told me how to look after myself properly before

Kate 29

Review on Forgotten Secrets of natural conception

It’s like talking to your best friend and telling her your darkest thoughts about not being able to be a mother and then feeling comforted and reassured.

Review on Forgotten Secrets of natural conception

Valentina 31 - If something doesn’t work, stop doing it and open your mind.

If something doesn’t work, stop doing it and open your mind. I trusted a friend of mine suggesting Martinas help but I was very sceptical because my husband and I were trying to get pregnant for about three years and we were waiting to start IVF. I got worried that even that could fail and we’d lose a lot of money and precious time, that I thought I’d better see a therapist to help me cope with all the procedures. I’ve never made it to IVF as I got pregnant naturally in the middle of the preparations. Listen to your gut!

Valentina 31


Jade - I got off my contraception pills and after about 6 months I went to see Martina because I was very stressed about not having periods. Martina made me feel like I was a normal human going through difficulties.

I got off my contraception pills and after about 6 months I went to see Martina because I was very stressed about not having periods. Martina made me feel like I was a normal human going through difficulties. I gained so much confidence in my self and applied the meditations that she suggested. I felt more relaxed and didn’t panic so much. We have a little boy now that is two.


Anonymous - We were trying for our second through ivf and my consultant has said this numerous times. We’re not at the “give up accepted fate”.

We were trying for our second through ivf and my consultant has said this numerous times. We’re not at the “give up accepted fate”. I so want to be there only so that we’ll somehow conceive. Sounds daft doesn’t it? Your audios and the advice helped me cope throughout the whole thing thank you.



Jane, 38 - "When I first approached Martina about cognitive hypnotherapy, I really wasn’t sure what to expect and what I wanted out of it."...

“When I first approached Martina about cognitive hypnotherapy, I really wasn’t sure what to expect and what I wanted out of it. I’d been laid low by a chronic health condition, my self-esteem and confidence were in the toilet! I was hopeful for an improvement, however small, in my current situation.
Martina immediately put me at ease with her warm, engaging manner. She explained how the therapy worked in an easy to grasp manner, and together we came up with a plan of what I wanted help with and what I could expect. What I wasn’t prepared for was just how completely, and how quickly, things would change! From the very first session, I noticed positive changes in myself. I became excited and hopeful about the future again, other people noticed I was changing, and life seemed brighter once more.
Cognitive hypnotherapy has transformed my life, and I don’t exaggerate when I make that claim! Martina is a very special lady whose calm and caring manner makes it very easy to share even the most difficult of issues with her. I went from believing I could slightly improve my health and wellbeing to believing I could once and for all put some deep-seated demons to rest. I had full help and support from Martina in between sessions which were invaluable also.
In just a few short months, with Martina’s help and guidance, I have tackled the difficult issues that were standing in the way of me reaching my true potential – confidence, poor health, weight, childhood trauma. Every day I feel stronger, more able, happier, more content. I no longer wake each morning with a sense of ‘doom’ – instead, I see each new day as ripe with opportunities and possibilities. Life is good and gets better with each passing moment. So if you have something (or many things!) big or small that you feel are holding you back or limiting you, I can wholeheartedly recommend speaking to Martina about the difference cognitive hypnotherapy could make in your life. It’s a decision I will never regret making!”

Neil, 40 - "I was more than a little sceptical about the prospect of cognitive hypnotherapy. Perhaps like a lot of people, I thought the notion of wondering into a deep trance and following the orders of a hypnotist was both unrealistic and probably only for the weak minded."...

“I was more than a little sceptical about the prospect of cognitive hypnotherapy.  Perhaps like a lot of people, I thought the notion of wondering into a deep trance and following the orders of a hypnotist was both unrealistic and probably only for the weak minded.  I could not have been more wrong; it is right to assume that in order for it to work, you must engage and approach it with an open mind, but for me, the results have been profound.
I contacted Martina with a very specific issue.  I have seen a counsellor in the past and spent many sessions, and a lot of money, trying to search for a solution without ever really understanding the origin of my problem.  After the second session, I was by no means fixed, but I had the revelation of discovering the reason behind my issue.  The relief of this was frankly life changing for me.  The following 2 sessions were essentially a period of reprogramming for my unconscious mind to the point that I almost cannot remember the reason why I went in the first place.
Martina seems to have a particular method of cognitive hypnotherapy which produces fast results with minimum fuss.  She has provided my overworked and complex mind with a toolkit that I can access when I want, how I want and where I want in order to deal with life’s difficulties.  I now have a sense of control which has helped me and my family a great deal.  Martina is personable, engaging and most of all an absolute professional who, it seems, has the ability to help in a number of areas.  I only wish I had seen her sooner!”

Kim, 47 - "I had suffered with neck pain for over 20 years, seeking advice and treatment from a chiropractor, physiotherapy, acupuncture and massages, none of these treatments worked."...

I had suffered with neck pain for over 20 years, seeking advice and treatment from a chiropractor, physiotherapy, acupuncture and massages, none of these treatments worked.

It had got to the stage that my neck would seize more often, almost weekly at times due to lots of stress in my work place, the pain was spreading down my shoulder and arm and this was causing me to get very down and depressed.

Martina said that she would be able to help me manage my pain. I was very sceptical about this form of treatment as I had never heard much about it, but I needed to try this as I couldn’t cope with it much longer.

I had about 6-8 sessions with Martina, she is very professional, and very calming, she was able to get me to relax and embrace the treatment. Martina trained me to say NO to the pain when the twinges started, amazingly it worked!

It has been over 2 years now and I am pain free, Martina is a miracle worker and has proved to me that our mind is a powerful tool and we do not use it to its full ability.

I would 100% recommend Martina, I always advise people to see her if they are having issues.

Mirko, 45 - "For several years I’ve suffered severe back pain as a result of a spinal injury, result of a mountain biking accident. Every night I would wake several times due to the pain and often woke early in the morning in such pain, I could hardly catch my breath."...

For several years I’ve suffered severe back pain as a result of a spinal injury, result of a mountain biking accident. Every night I would wake several times due to the pain and often woke early in the morning in such pain, I could hardly catch my breath. I could feel a burning sensation around the vertebrae that was broken and the pain was terrible. After a few years of constant painkillers I’ve decided to ask for Martina’s help. After one single session my back stopped hurting. I couldn’t believe it! After years of pain, in less than one hour Martina solves the problem and now my back has been fine for over three years.
I couldn’t thank Martina enough and highly recommend her treatments to anyone who struggles with chronic pain.

Mirko, 45 - "Since I was a child, I’ve had problems sleeping. I literally had no good nights where I wouldn’t wake several times or be awake for hours in the middle of the night."...

Since I was a child, I’ve had problems sleeping. I literally had no good nights where I wouldn’t wake several times or be awake for hours in the middle of the night. Tiredness was my normality and often wondered if that was normal, if other people also lived on four hours sleep and that on a good night!
Martina helped me in the past with a chronic back pain problem so I asked for her help.
My sleeping pattern improved overnight and have slept much better since.